Build Your Family Tree

Guided Tour – Our Executive Director Beverely with Children

Guided Tour – Our Executive Director Beverely with Children

Who You Are and How You Came to Be

Do you know anything about your own ancestors? Have you ever wondered about your ancestors and their lives? Do you know where your parents and grandparents were born and raised? These are significant questions to ask ourselves, and we are here to help you in finding the answers.

Our parents’ and grandparents’ experiences impact us not only personally but also culturally. They pass down memories, beliefs, and aspirations from generation to generation. We may understand our cultural identity and heritage by learning about our own family history.

A person’s historical memory is part of one’s soul, reinforcing family relationships and sustaining family traditions. It is the foundation of our cultural identity. It’s important to keep in mind that your family history is a component of a larger national history. Sharing your family history with others helps to create a historical legacy for future generations.

Family Tree

Quilt – Yolanda Weininger

The Union Quilters

The Quilt Code - Cora Farris

The Underground Railroad Quilt Code – Cora Farris

Cora Farris and Yolanda Weininger’s quilts, inspired by their own family history, are on display in our museum. These quilts demonstrate the value of oral history and the power of storytelling. They reflect the memories and experiences of their ancestors and their quest for freedom.

As African Americans, our journey to discovering our family history can sometimes run into a roadblock. But with DNA, we can learn more about our ancestry and where we come from. Whether we are Ethiopian, from different parts of Africa, or even from Europe, we are all connected through our shared humanity. 

Take a tour to learn about our community members’ stories and experiences. Most importantly, we would like to hear your story. Who has that story that brings you back to your great-grandparents, your grandparents? Connect with your family and start building your family tree now.

People of all ages may learn about the rich cultural heritage of their families and communities. We believe that knowing your family history, whether you are a K-12 student or an adult, is a crucial aspect of understanding where you come from and how that has shaped who you are today. Let us motivate and inspire you to discover about your family history and reconnect with your ancestry.

Exploring your family history may help you gain a better understanding of your own identity as well as the unique events that shaped your family and community. You may also discover previously unknown connections to historical events or cultural customs.

Website by AAMSAZ

Logo Design by Felicia Penza

Please note: No photos and no videos.
Museum Location
  • Museum is located on the Campus of the University of Arizona
    Student Union Room 244

    (1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719)
    Park in the 2nd Street Garage

Business Office

Copyright © , African American Museum of Southern Arizona. All Rights Reserved. No image, sound or text from this site can be used without the expressed written permission of the museum’s Board of Directors.