Ruby Bridges Fireside Chat

Ruby Bridges Fireside Chat

On Thursday, November 17, 2022 volunteers rolled up their sleeves to assist AAMSAZ in serving our community by assisting at the Ruby Bridges Fireside Chat. We were able to provide the Southern Arizona Community with an impactful event that made history with her-story! Learn more with the following information provided below, as well as viewing the following photos of the event provided by Joe Jackson.

  • Almost 1,000 people were inspired at Palo Verde Magnet High School in Tucson as Ruby Bridges told her story from the lens of a 6 year old being escorted by Federal Marshalls to Franz Elementary!
  • Welcomes were done in English, Spanish and an Indigenous Language to honor the land where the museum is located on the University of Arizona campus in the Student Union room 244!
  • Jimmy Hart, Director of African American Student Services invited over 300 students and families and was also a sponsor for the event. Some students were selected to ask Ruby a question.
  • Eric Brock, Principal at Palo Verde (PV) was our gracious host.  PV’s staff of Ray, Denise and Vanessa Eastman and her wonderful students who volunteered were outstanding!  
  • Tina Johnson, an advisory member, and our lead volunteer did an amazing job coordinating volunteers, making sure our Kindred Librarians were settled as they gave away over 100 books to the community by Black Authors!
  • Thank you Liana Sharp and United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona for your volunteers and leadership in working with Tina so that things came off beautifully!

Website by AAMSAZ

Logo Design by Felicia Penza

Please note: No photos and no videos.
Museum Location
  • Museum is located on the Campus of the University of Arizona
    Student Union Room 244

    (1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719)
    Park in the 2nd Street Garage

Business Office

Copyright © , African American Museum of Southern Arizona. All Rights Reserved. No image, sound or text from this site can be used without the expressed written permission of the museum’s Board of Directors.