Thank you the College of Humanities

Thank you the College of Humanities

We are truly grateful for the support from Dean AP Durand and the College of Humanities. We have worked for the past year with Africana Studies, Dr. Tani Sanchez, Dr. Bryan Carter, Dr. Praise, and Dr. Bayo. Thank you all for your support of our mission.

College of Humanities students learn essential skills with a human perspective to navigate the workforce of the future. Why select this major:

  • Solve the grand challenges of a rapidly changing world
  • Engage and collaborate local and international communities
  • Enhance communication and work ethics with people from diverse backgrounds

Website by AAMSAZ

Logo Design by Felicia Penza

Please note: No photos and no videos.
Museum Location
  • Museum is located on the Campus of the University of Arizona
    Student Union Room 244

    (1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719)
    Park in the 2nd Street Garage

Business Office

Copyright © , African American Museum of Southern Arizona. All Rights Reserved. No image, sound or text from this site can be used without the expressed written permission of the museum’s Board of Directors.